This article is maintained by members of the news.newusers.questions Moderation Board.
The newsgroup news.newusers.questions is a moderated group. Moderation is a brief review process intended to ensure that the group contains only on-topic messages having no harmful technical issues.
When you send a message to the group, your message will not appear in the group immediately. However, unless there is something wrong with the message, a moderator will soon approve it, placing it in the group for everyone to read. Currently, moderation is performed primarily by human moderators (rather than automatically, by software).
Please expect a delay of several hours between the time you send your message and the time your message appears on your news server.
The charter for news.newusers.questions is available on the news.newusers.questions website. The charter defines what is on topic for this group. It also specifies the powers of the Moderation Board.
The moderation platform is generously hosted by Thank you!
When a moderator rejects a message, he or she tries to email a rejection notice to the sender. This notice would include the reason for the rejection. You can appeal such a rejection by sending an emailed reply to the rejection notice or by writing to nnq-board at
If you think a moderator may have rejected your message, but you have not received a rejection notice, please make sure you have configured your newsreader with your correct email address.
The messages that moderators have recently approved for the newsgroup are also available in an archive on the Web.
Please send any mail related to the moderation of the group to the remaining moderator .
The board that controls the moderation of this group consists of the following persons:
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